Member Directory
Marana Health Center, Inc.

Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG)
MAG provides regional planning and policy decisions in areas of transportation, air quality, water quality, economic development, and human services. MAG was formed in 1967 when local elected officials recognized the need for long range planning and policy development on a regional scale. They realized that many issues such as transportation and air quality affected residents beyond the borders of their individual jurisdictions.

Metro Plan (Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization)
6 E Aspen Ave, Ste 200
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001
Metro Plan is responsible for the planning, coordination, and integration of activities necessary to maintain a 3-C multiagency transportation planning program. Jurisdictions that make up the FMPO include the city of Flagstaff, Coconino County, and ADOT. The FMPO receives funding from federal, state, and local governments and, working closely with the state and municipalities that are within their metropolitan area, oversees the expenditure of federal transit funds. Each year, the MPO evaluates and approves proposed surface transportation improvement projects, and provides a forum for inter-agency cooperation and public input into how transportation funding is spent through collaborative decision making processes.
(928) 266-1293

Mohave County Association for Retarded Citizens (Mohave ARC)
Our mission is to promote and incite growth for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities as a result of personal preference, action, instruction, and inclusion.
Located in the Kingman service area, The Arc of Mohave County, a private, nonprofit 501 (C ) 3 organization , supports adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through education and advocacy.
Created in April, 1970 by parents who were concerned about the lack of life options available in Mohave County for adults with IDDs, The Arc of Mohave County now serves over 45 individuals per year, providing a safe and creative environment to learn like skills and develop personal growth.
We partner with both The Arc of Arizona, at the state level, and The Arc of the United States, at the National level. We are licensed and funded primarily by the State of Arizona Department of Economic Security Division of Developmental Disabilities (DES/DDD).

Mountain Line
Mountain Line is the transit agency in northern Arizona operating fixed route bus service on nine routes, paratransit service, vanpool, and seasonal Mountain Express service to Arizona Snowbowl.
Established in 2001, Mountain Line has grown into a system that employs more than 100 people and transports more than 2 million riders a year.

MTM, Inc.
As communities are challenged with increasing access while containing costs, MTM strives to achieve these goals while focusing on what matters most: the passenger. Helping the disabled, elderly, and other transportation disadvantaged populations with their transit needs is the core of our operations.
MTM’s transit services offer viable solutions that help public transit agencies connect the pieces of a community’s transportation options in an effort to increase fixed route utilization, reduce costs, and remove community barriers. From utilizing mobility management tools like assessments and travel training to promote public transit ridership, to fully managing the operation of fixed route and paratransit services, to overseeing quality assurance for multi-vendor transit systems, MTM can help solve even your toughest transit challenges. We remain committed to providing quality transit services to individuals who, without reliable transportation, may be unable to take advantage of employment opportunities, get to the doctor, and access other community resources.
Join AzTA
Join AzTA and you will be supporting activities to improve public transit.